
  • Climate change and coffee

    The climate is changing. The temperature on Earth is rising. Climate change has major consequences for people and nature. In the future, the daily cup of coffee will no longer be as self-evident as it is today. The consequences of climate change are visible in coffee production. Hopes are pinned on new coffee varieties.
  • Pour over coffee (or Slow Coffee?)

    Pour over coffee is making coffee the classic way. With a separate filter holder (dripper) a filter bag, ground coffee, just boiled water and a g...
  • The Tastiest Coffee Bean

    Whether you like spicy or mild coffee, there is a best coffee bean for everyone. Blogger Vito Glasbergen found out what to look out for if you don't yet know which coffee bean is the best for you.
  • The most delicious coffee machine beans, where do you find them exactly?

    Most people love coffee. They really like to start their day relaxed with a fresh cup of coffee.

    But if you have a coffee machine that grinds the beans itself, which coffee bean do you choose?

  • Is caffeine really that bad? …. read the facts

    There is a lot of talk about caffeine and theine. It would be unhealthy, addictive, but we can't really miss caffeine in our coffee.
    In this blog we consider the facts and the pros and cons of this substance in coffee and tea.
  • Fair Trade vs Direct Trade

    The Fair Trade quality marks are reasonably known to consumers. We know them from many products such as bananas, coffee and chocolate. A very goo...